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Independent Health Professional

Independent Health Professionals who are not permanently contractually attached to an existing Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre (YFVC) may wish to add Classroom or E-Learning training (which remains valid for 2 years) to their portfolio. However, independent health professionals are advised that yellow fever (YF) vaccine can only be given by a designated YFVC.

Risk assessment in the travel health consultation: an introduction

An eLearning course for health professionals, either new to travel health consultations, but wishing to undertake a refresher, or those returning to work in travel health (travel medicine). This is not part of the YF programme. To register an account, please email us at

Becoming a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre (YFVC)

If you wish to open a new YFVC you must first register with NaTHNaC before booking training. Please contact us